Friday, June 5, 2009

Today is tough

I'm having a tough food day today. I'm fighting the munchies and I THINK I have a sweet tooth, but not so sure.

Breakfast was Greek Yogurt with honey. Lunch was leftover PickUpStix chicken stir fry with brown rice. I've had snacks today: almonds, sesame crackers with honey mustard, and more almonds. The last time I ate the almonds I thought I wanted something sweet, so I put some agave nectar on them. Although the nectar was sweet, it didn't do much for my almonds, so I gave that up.

You know, now that I write this down, I can see why I'm hungry. No juice, no veggies, no fruit. What the heck? How did I put myself in this position? Well I can tell you one thing, it won't happen again. At least this week. I don't like being hungry and I am not going to succumb to processed sugar just because my stomach is growling. I can see now that the juices help curb my appetite.

I'm also feeling cooped up, but who's fault is that? Mine, of course. There are only two of us in the department today, so I decided to stay in for lunch. Not getting outside getting fresh air definitely makes me feel sluggish. I think the whole feeling is just my body going through changes as the old crap (literally) is washed through my system. Feeling those feelings again just like the first time I ate them. Why must we relive our past? So we can learn, grasshopper.

So ok, I learned something today.

1 comment:

  1. and therin lies the TRUE blessing of what you are doing my love!

    I think you had a GREAT day (even though it was tough)



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