Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend update

What a terrific weekend.

Saturday was the Long Beach Quilt Show. I went with two friends. We took a chartered bus up there and we shopped our tootsies off. I got lots of new projects to start. We walked and shopped for almost 6 hours. For food, I took my own lunch and barely ate anything. I had some chicken salad, so Snapeas and some string cheese. I drank a protein drink on the bus home. For dinner at home, I had some more chicken salad. I'm eating the chicken salad because I've discovered that it's enough protein to keep me satisfied for 3 hours or more. Hard to get in enough protein to hold me for 3 hours. I find myself snacking (good food) in a few hours after I eat if I don't get in enough protein. I did juice after dinner: apple, spinach, carrot. That's my favorite juice these days. I fell asleep on the couch before 10pm and slept for 13 hours! I guess I needed sleep. I can't remember the last time I slept so much, but I feel so good today.

Woke up and had my coffee. Even if I only drink 1/4 cup of coffee, I'm satisfied. Had the rest of the chicken salad for breakfast/lunch. Drank a protein drink after that. John and I went to the new Target and I got a big giant container of EAS protein powder that has 23 grams of protein with 1 gram of sugar per serving. A serving is 6 oz of water or milk. I've had 2 protein drinks today and with the chicken and other veggies I've had, I got in all my protein for the day. I am so happy! I feel good, too. Amazing how good I feel when I get in the suggested amount of protein.

What I'm not happy about is my weight. I've been at 252-something for what seems like a week. I'm not happy that I've hit a plateau already. What the hell is that all about? I think maybe it has to do with the protein intake. Until the past couple of days, I haven't been able to get in nearly half of the protein requirement and maybe that's what the stoppage of weight loss is, I don't really know.

This weight plateau makes me think of all the other diets I've been on and by this time in the plateau, I would've given up on the diet, only now I can't do that. Can't undo gastric bypass. Can't undo the fact that my stomach is small, I have to avoid sugars and tons of liquids, so no bingeing! I have to tough it out. So my thoughts go to why I'm not losing.

The guide to weight loss is if you're not losing, then you're either eating too much or you need to increase activity. I'm not sure the overeating plays into the equation this time because I can't eat that much, so do I eat more and increase activity? I don't know for sure, but that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make sure I eat/drink all 50-60 grams of protein each day and I'm going to start walking. The heat has settled down a bit - now only in the upper 80's - so I think a morning walk is on the agenda. I promise to myself that I will do this for the next week and see how it plays into my weight loss. If these changes don't work, then a phone call to the doctor will definitely be in order.

I told John today that I wanted to start going to the gym and he kind of frowned and said, "don't do too much". OMG, I am so tired of people telling me I do too much!! I am so tired of sitting on my ass and doing nothing! I am bored, bored, BORED! Besides, who knows how I feel more than I?

I have been reminded that I have had not one, but TWO abdominal surgeries in the last month and that alone should be the reason I take it easy, but the fact that the doctor had to do the extra surgery with the abdominal mass (fat adhesions to my lower intestine) excisions during the second surgery, warrants extra resting, they said. Yes, I am still sore, but not so sore that I need to sit, sit, sit. OMG my ass will be growing instead of shrinking. So I am telling you, blog readers, that I am going to exercise, whether it be a walk or two during the day or even if I go to the gym. I'm pretty aware how much I can do, and if I overdo it, well, I have the next day to recuperate and learn from the experience, don't I?

Need to go shopping tomorrow. The veggie bin is getting pretty bare. I'm craving my veggies.


  1. walking would do you good! Fresh air=fresh outlook... (cuz you know I just needed the same!) haha

    maybe your body is just reacting finally to the much less caloric intake and going thru one of those "slow the metabolism bc you aren't eating enough" things.... did that make sense?

    frustrating though nonetheless!

    I hit a plateau a few weeks ago and I too am going to give that jog an extra PUSH!

    Happy Monday Chica!

  2. Even people in the hospital who've just had surgery have to get up and walk. I'm guessing just a couple of blocks a few times a day would be a good thing. I hope you get to feeling more energized. Wish I'd have remembered the quilt show. Darn.


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