Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back to the 50's!

I'm so happy. Do you see the weight/BMI ticker above this post? See the numbers? I'm in the 250's! I haven't been here in ages. I know I still weigh a lot, but c'mon, this is progress!!

My lunch today:
  • 1 can organic black beans, rinsed

  • 2-4 tbsp jar salsa

  • lots and lots of fresh cilantro

Put all in the Magic Bullet and you have refried beans. I had to add a little water to make it smushy. Lots of good protein from the beans and I need protein. I'm slowly eating until I am full. It doesn't take long when your stomach is the size of a ping pong ball. Sometimes I take too big of a bite and my stomach lets me know by hurting just a bit, so I'm learning to take smaller bites. My friend, Lale, suggested putting in some lime. Oooh, yeah, that sounds yummy! I don't have any limes at the moment, but we're going to the Farmer's Market today and so I'll get me some. Limeade would be refreshing, too, on these hot days.

Aside from making that horribly difficult lunch, I'm doing okay today. Energy is about 50%, but that's because I'm not eating like I should. When I get hungry, I'm also thirsty and I can't eat and drink at the same meal. The doc wants food in there only so that I stay full longer. Adding water or juice just washes the food out of my new little tummy and I get hungry an hour later.

I started to be mad at myself because I can't remember to eat more often (5 meals a day) but hey, I caught myself before I could get too down. This is new! How can I be perfect if this is new? How can I be perfect anyways? Gees, I am so hard on myself. Relax. Take a breath. Watch the hummingbirds in the feeder. Love that.

Here's a picture of me and Goober. Isn't he cute?


  1. Lunch sounds yummy! YAY YOU!!!!! Can't believe you lost so much so fast!!! I bet it's exciting! Keep it up! And look at that sweet kitty!

  2. your black bean lunch sounds so gooooood!
    you look so sunny on your patio with Goobs!

    he's such a pretty cat!

    perfection is simply a lie and it's driving me NUTS today! Today I missed my run... maybe there's a good reason! I went to sprouts though and they DON'T have coconut milk

    but I found a dark chocolate bar w espresso beans and GNOCCHI.

    not perfect! but oh so MMM!
    enjoy some sunshine for me! (it's probably WHAT I need)
    AND CONGRATS on 259!!!! I broke thru a plateau too...doesn't it feel GREAT!!!

  3. I am so proud of you for doing this difficult task of losing weight. Keep up the good attitude and remember I'm here if you need anything.

    your favorite and only sister


  4. Goober is so cute.

    Perfection is unattainable. Besides, you'd be boring if you were perfect.

    Yay for the weight loss. Keep up the good work.

  5. Congrats on losing so much weight so quickly. I'm very proud of you. Losing weight is so hard and there are so many emotions tangled up with when, what and how we eat.

    I'll be reading this blog with rapt attention. You are doing a very good thing!


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